
Customized To Meet Your Needs

Utilizing state of the art computer aided design and development software, our engineering department creates customized drawings and patterns that are used in manufacturing to meet our customer's exacting needs.

Our capability includes, reverse engineering, 3D wire frame, solid and surface modeling, design of tooling and fixtures, and the generation of computer data to run automated cutting machines. From an OEM drawing, we are able to create a 3D model which allows off-line programming for our CMM using Virtual DMIS inspection software. Part inspection is then performed by the QC Department using our automated CMM. This saves countless man-hours by reducing manual measurements and set-ups.

Airborne Industries Engineering

An Integral Role

Engineering plays in integral role in contract planning and review. One function is to perform on-line verification of current revisions of relevant drawings and associated specifications. Thousands of government and OEM drawings and specifications are kept on file and are easily accessible for use. Engineering also plays a key role in the development of manufacturing travelers.

Airborne Industries Engineering